Get Connected With Alumni

View internship and project postings created by PSI Alumni. We will help you get the experience you need in real life. 

Real Life Experience
Letter Of Recommendations

Prepare for your future!

Within the portal, you will find posts created by alumni or other brothers that are working on projects. Meet the brother’s milestone criteria and get a letter of recommendation for your future!

Get Professional Advise

Ever been curious about a profession or a career path? Get in contact with people that have been on the path that you want to pursue. We can help you get in contact with the brothers that will best assist you in your professional career.

Work With Experts

There are many alumni in PSI chapter that are experts in the day-to-day things they take care of at work. Learn about some techniques they use or work on projects with the experts.

Get Real Life Experience

Partner with experts to work on real-life issues or guide you to get a job. Depending on the position, experts may ask for help solving a real problem or simulate an issue to help you gain the skills you want to gain.

Increase Your Network

Be able to connect with members that post the available positions. Learn more about the position and meet new people related to the position. If there are no positions you need, reach out to people, using this site, that you are interested in and ask for advice.

0 K
Trusted Clients
0 %
Successful Case
$ 0 M
Money Case
Case Closed

A Variety of Professions

PSI chapter contains members in a variety of professions and careers. Take a look at some of the majors that can be found in PSI chapter. Log In to see get in contact with the brothers in there majors.


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Software Engineering

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Computer Science

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Insurance Law​​

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Car Accident​​

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Property Law​​

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Corporate Law​​

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Legal advise and other assistance

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Eugene Grand


Danielle Carrol


George Jordan


Get a Personal Consultation



Open Hours

Monday-Saturday 8 am - 6pm
Sunday 11am - 4pm

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